This is an innovative nonsurgical procedure that delivers bipolar radiofrequency (RF) technology to smaller, more delicate subdermal layers. Designed with unprecedented safety, the small-size applicator, precision RF depth control, and intelligent temperature monitoring ensure a safe non-drug alternative.
Forma-I feels like a warm massage in the eye area, improving blood circulation. The small-size applicator and precision RF depth control allow for treatment in small and delicate areas.
Lumecca is the most powerful intense pulsed light (IPL) designed to treat pigmented and vascular lesions. Lumecca-I uses photothermolysis, which provides a photofacial through the delivery of a comfortable light treatment. IPL has been FDA-approved for more than 15 years to remove superficial skin lesions.
Lumecca-I creates tissue heating which helps to reduce inflammation. During treatment, there will be a bright flash of light and a sensation on your skin that feels like a light snap from an elastic band. Redness and a slight warming of the skin are normal after treatment.
These treatments are recommended for patients who are seeking non-invasive procedures to address their symptoms. The small size applicators allow for treatment in small and delicate areas. These are very safe and effective procedures that can be used on all skin types and skin tones.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)
Treatment utilizes a non-laser, broad wavelength, high-intensity flash of light to combat multiple causes of dry eye. The light energy emitted warms meibomian glands to facilitate the expression of meibum while aiding in the restoration of their function and morphology. The wavelength of light coagulates inflammatory blood vessels and decreases levels of pro-inflammatory mediators that contribute to dry eye. Additionally, IPL treatment decreases the number of Demodex mites that cause infection and also increases collagen synthesis. As the multiple mechanisms of action work to target the root causes of dry eye symptomatology, IPL treatment is a great option for patients who have not experienced relief from preliminary measures such as eye drops or lid scrubs. Added benefits of IPL are improved and healthy-looking skin as pores are closed, hyperpigmentation is corrected, wrinkles and fine lines are gone, the skin is firmer and tighter, sun damage is reversed, and acne and acne scars are reduced. The initial series of treatments will require 4 sessions lasting 20-30 minutes and spaced 3-4 weeks apart.
Follow-ups are recommended every 6 months as needed after the initial treatment (depending on severity). In order to determine if IPL treatment is right for you, your eye care professional will review your dry eye history and review the treatment plan with you.